Creative Northland is mandated to develop the arts and cultural sector within the Northland region, translating creative ideas into innovative products and services. We are funded by the Whangarei District Council and receive grant funding from Foundation North.
The Creative Northland team is inspiring creative endeavour through artistic projects, touring opportunities, education and specialised resources to develop and sustain our creative communities artistic practice all over Tai Tokerau.

Weaving together the creative community
Te raranga tahi he hapori auaha

We aim to make Northland a lifestyle choice for new business and families working in partnership with every level of local and central government and private sector. Our journey is to foster contemporary and innovative regional cultural practice through our commitment to a dynamic, thriving and influential creative sector.
Being the northernmost of New Zealand’s 16 local government regions, we are the closest region to the equator so Northland offers its residents and visitors the warmest climate in the country. From anywhere in our beautiful region, the coast is only a 40-minute drive and in some parts you can drive between the West and East coast in that time.
We really have the best of both worlds being in Whangarei, where we are in a great position to be the centre of all the arts in the region and have the privilege of supporting the Creative Sector in the North.
Find out more about our region from their respective district council:
- Northland Regional Council – www.nrc.govt.nz
- Far North District Council – www.fndc.govt.nz
- Kaipara District Council – www.kaipara.govt.nz
- Whangarei District Council – www.wdc.govt.nz