Creative Northland and Angela Rowe have partnered to offer FREE business workshops and mentoring for creatives in Northland. These workshops will cover essential content, including strategic planning, marketing and project planning, business start ups, admin and systems, finances and digital tools for creative business. Learn new skills, refine and update what you already know and connect with other like-minded artists and small businesses.
Creative Practice Mentoring enables artists in our region to expand and grow their studio art making. Workshops are rolled out over eight weeks and participants can also access one on one mentoring. Designed to support emerging artists, working artists and recent arts graduates with developing their independent creative practices, culminating in the opportunity to exhibit in a group exhibition in Whangārei. The goal of the workshops is to equip artists to engage confidently and professionally with their communities, via supportive connections between practitioners, a deep dive into their studio practice to understand their processes and provide a supportive space to test ideas and present their work.
For more information, contact Angela via email:

About Angela Rowe:
Angela has been working in the arts for over 20 years. Her experience includes maintaining a creative practice, studio research, project writing, project management and delivery, exhibition curation, writing and planning. Angela brings a collaborative approach to her work and understands the reality of working in the arts in Aotearoa. She has taught on the Applied Arts Degree at NorthTec, supporting students in their research and studio practice and has been delivering mentoring and workshops for artists in Te Tai Tokerau since 2021. Her business experience includes operating a small business and working as a sole trader as an umbrella for her work in the arts, in other lives she has worked as a sign-writer, projectionist and an art educator at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki.