Funding is finding the connection between your project and the funder then writing your story. When you tell your story check if you have …
1. Strong project / funder match?
2. Relevant, up-to-date information?
3. Ensure the ask is at the top and focus on the need.
4. Clearly define the AIM of the project.
5. Demonstrate the need for the project, and qualify with data.
6. Define the strategies.
7. Outcomes? What will success look like?
8. How will the project be evaluated? WHO is going to evaluate?
9. Budget: adhere to guidelines; factor in other income; include in-kind support.
10. Spelling & grammar check – make it look professional.
11. Ensure formatting adheres to any funder guideline specifications.
12. Proofread – get a third party to check the application with fresh eyes.
Creative Northland endorses the grant-writing tips from the Strategic Grants checklist